Invisalign is an alternative treatment to straighten teeth many people favor over traditional braces. Invisalign offers a discreet method of straightening teeth using translucent plastic aligners instead of metal brackets and wires.
When seeking a remedy to straighten teeth, you might want to know how much time Invisalign in Stockton requires to deliver results. Orthodontic treatments need time to straighten teeth, especially if you have a complicated situation of underbites, overbites, cross bites, open bites, crowding, gaps between your teeth, and crooked teeth.
Conventional treatments available from orthodontists require three years or more to deliver results for complicated situations. However, if you are reluctant to wear metal brackets and wires over your teeth and look for alternatives by researching Invisalign near me, you access a treatment delivering faster results than traditional braces.
Invisalign aligners are unique because they are created from dental grade BPA-free plastic to gradually realign your teeth. The aligners must remain on your teeth for 20 to 22 hours every day and are removable for eating and cleaning your teeth.
You can find Invisalign aligners with orthodontists and Invisalign’s certified providers, specially trained dentists who determine whether the treatment suits your specific requirements.
The dentist in Stockton, a certified Invisalign provider, takes unique 3D images of your teeth and mouth during your first appointment if you are eligible for the therapy. Invisalign aligners are an excellent alternative to traditional braces if you have mild to moderate imperfections with your teeth and intend to correct them with Invisalign. Unfortunately, if you have a complicated situation, the Invisalign dentist recommends you have your teeth straightened using traditional orthodontic treatment.
If you are eligible to straighten teeth with Invisalign, you accrue several benefits from the therapy besides the ability to complete your treatment faster than conventional orthodontic treatment.
Invisalign permits you to have straighter teeth and a beautiful smile if you are determined to comply with the requirements of the plastic aligners. When starting your treatment, the Invisalign dentist explains that the aligners have a removable future allowing you to remove them from your teeth when having foods and beverages. However, the dentist also stipulates that the aligners must return to your teeth soon after cleaning them. Adhering to the dentist’s guidelines is of prime importance because it determines the duration of your treatment.
Orthodontic treatments do not permit you to maintain appropriate oral hygiene, making you prone to dental infections like tooth decay and gum disease. Fortunately, the removable aligners provide freedom from dental conditions by ensuring you can clean your teeth even as you move through your treatment. It indicates you can have your favorite foods and drinks and clean your teeth and the aligners as advised by the dentist before returning them to your teeth immediately after.
Invisalign does not require you to schedule monthly visits with your orthodontist for adjustments or tightening the wires because none exist. You merely replace the existing aligners over your teeth for a new set and continue the treatment. You must replace the aligners every three weeks as advised by the Invisalign dentist.
You must visit the Invisalign dentist once every six to eight weeks to assess your progress and to collect your fresh batch of aligners.
If you are compliant with the treatment’s needs and have mild imperfections, you might witness results in six months. However, if your complications are moderate, you can achieve your goal of having straighter teeth in approximately 18 months. How quickly you achieve the results depends entirely on how long Invisalign aligners remain on your teeth during your treatment.
Invisalign delivers faster results, but they depend on your age, compliance with the treatment plan, regular follow-up with the provider, and the type of complications confronting you.
Whether with metal brackets and wires or Invisalign, orthodontic treatments cost approximately $ 3500-$ 5000. However, the prices depend on your unique situation and vary between patients.
If you possess dental insurance, you receive reimbursement for your treatment from the provider because orthodontics is covered by insurance companies regardless of whether you straighten teeth with Invisalign or traditional braces.
When seeking a remedy for your malformed teeth, you must remain patient with the treatment because your teeth will not straighten overnight. In addition, after completing Invisalign treatment, you must wear Invisalign retainers to help prevent your teeth from reverting to their original positions. However, you can expect to have a beautiful smile in six to 18 months if you adhere to your dentist’s guidelines to keep the aligners over your teeth for the specified time.
Quail Lakes Dental Center is an Invisalign certified provider in Stockton, helping you achieve faster results discreetly with Invisalign aligners. Therefore, if you want to straighten your teeth, kindly schedule an appointment with the provider to determine your eligibility for the treatment to have straighter teeth discreetly.